It won’t have escaped anyone’s notice, that AGMs, which are normally at this time of year, have been difficult to implement.
The Fordingbridge Twinning Association was due to hold its AGM last Thursday evening.
However, in the absence of a formal AGM, the whole of the committee decided that it was willing to carry on for another year, and this was put to the membership, and was duly agreed.
Obviously, firm dates for forthcoming events are difficult to set, but the next ones, hopefully, will be the annual Boules evening, and the Members cream teas, both of which are free-of-charge to the membership.
In 2021 the Association will be celebrating its 40th anniversary of twinning with Vimoutiers.
The celebration will be taking place in Vimoutiers.
There will certainly be a party to remember!
All this serves as good reasons, and reminder, to re-new membership, which is always due at this time of year.
In the light of all this, it is hoped that not only will all our members renew, but new people will consider joining the Association too: it promises to be an active year again, with a vengeance.
At the end of this year, and for the whole of next year.
The fee is unchanged at £10 per household (can’t be bad) and members will be able to take advantage of all these goodies, and have a particularly great year next year, for our 40th!
Other events due to take place (soon we hope) are the Musical Soiree in the autumn, and the Murder Mystery events next February (both always a complete sell-out)
The attached photographs depict “Le Penalty Bar” and the Vimoutiers Town Council persevering through the “Virus Crisis”, just like us all.
For further details of events, membership and renewals, please contact Alison (Chairman) and Derek (Publicity) Ayling, on 01425 650770 or by email on