Brr, it’s definitely feeling colder this morning and it looks like winter is drawing in this week – did you see Hampshire Highways’ gritters out salting yesterday evening?

It’s never too soon to think about the simple steps we can all take to help ourselves and those who are more vulnerable stay warm and well this winter

Look out for others who may need help in the cold weather, particularly older neighbours or those with health conditions. And know what to do if someone is unwell.

Help elderly relatives and neighbours to shop for essential food and medicines in advance before the temperature drops.

Get repeat prescriptions in good time for yourself and for those who may find it difficult to get out in the cold.

This winter make sure you’re receiving all the help that you’re entitled to.

There are grants, benefits and sources of advice available to improve your heating or help with bills. Please visit the following web page on hampshire county councils website for more information,