The date of the Fordingbridge Twinning Association has come round again, and will take place at Avonway in Fordingbridge on Thursday evening 23rd April at 7.30pm (tonight?)
Why not come along, hear about what they are doing, in terms of objectives and events, consider joining, and learn about Vimoutiers, our twinned town only half an hour from the Caen Ferry Terminal in Normandy, France. Learn about their annual Apple Festival, and consider coming over with us during the weekend of 17th/18th October! (some members will be leaving England on the overnight ferry on Friday evening)
On top of that, visitors to the AGM can enjoy a glass of wine, and a selection of (French and English) cheeses, as well as meeting lots of like-minded fellow Twinning supporters.
For further details, do contact Alison and Derek Ayling on 01425 650770, and/or email: