Fordingbridge Twinning Association had its monthly meeting last Thursday evening with the express purpose of generating its annual plan of events.

The first one will take place on Saturday evening 12th March, (soon!), will be its annual, always a sell-out, “Murder Mystery evening”.

This popular evening is back with a vengeance, and is entitled ‘Pasta, Passion and Pistols’ to be held in St Mary’s Church Hall on 12 March at 7pm for 7.30pm.

Without giving away the plot, you the jury must decide who the murderer is!

Tickets are £15 each, to include a meal, and are available from Caxton Décor and Jessica Fashion from 8 February.

Soon after that, the Association’s AGM will take place on 5th May 2022, at 7.30pm, at Avonway. Please do come along, and if you’re not yet a member, do join.

As well as reporting on finances and plans, there will be cheese and wine.

Membership for 2022/2023 begins at this meeting, and remains at £10 per household.

Please contact Keith Bennett on 01425 655331 or by email ( for details.

This is a big year for Fordingbridge Twinning, since it is the year of its 40th Anniversary.

In 2022 the Association will celebrate this anniversary of being twinned with Vimoutiers, and celebrations will take place in France from Friday, 1 July through to Sunday, 3 July.

As well as signing an updated Charter of Twinning and Friendship, the programme, it will include visits to local schools who have been looking at reducing food waste; a guided nature walk, a visit to the Chateau de Falaise and a spectacular equestrian show at a local stud.

The celebrations will also include the 50th anniversary of Vimoutiers being twinned with its German twin Sontra, and the 25th anniversary of its twinning with its Belgian twin, Chatelet.

It promises to be a big party!

Fordingbridge Twinning Members will be hosted by the town of Vimoutiers and all entertainment and meals over the weekend will be provided.

Accommodation is offered by local families, camping or in gites.

Transport to Vimoutiers can be arranged (It’s easy, just an hour’s drive from Caen), where the ferry arrives.

Please let Fordingbridge Twining Association know soon if you would like to be there.

Summary of Events 2022

12 March 2022: Murder Mystery Evening: ‘Pasta, Passion and Pistols’ –St Mary’s Church Hall 7.30 pm

5 May 2022 – AGM with cheese and wine – Avonway 7.30 pm

1-3 July 2022 – 40th Anniversary celebrations in Vimoutiers: do come along for an excellent long weekends just the other side of the Channel!

21 August 2022 – Members Tea Party –Victoria Rooms 3 pm

29 October: Musical Soiree with ‘Blue Tides’ including supper – Town Hall 7.30pm

For further information of all or any of these activities, do call Derek (Publicity) or Alison (Chairman) Ayling, on 01425 650 770 or by email on